Here we will discuss how the entertainment industry influence young adults. Are these changes a good thing or is it negative.


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Young Celebs and Drugs

LET’S CONVERSE… Another story I have successfully found in the news. It’s the famous Soulja Boy. Soulja Boy started out making dance music for the young. He is now a success producer for a few celebrities. He has a few pop songs out, but this story isn’t so successful. Soulja Boy was arrested for gun and illegal drugs found in his SUV.
The 21-year-old rapper and four other men were arrested in Temple, Ga., after cops pulled over their Escalade because one of the lights on the car was out” (Britney, 2011).
            Even though this successful artist was on his way on promoting his new movie the affects of illegal drugs was still in the mist. The question that has to be asked; what is the deal with young celebrity and dealing with illegal drugs? Does this outlook affect the children that look up to him? Will this make the children want to start illegal drugs or will this stop them from doing illegal drugs?
            Where are the parents of this young celebrity? I believe parents or guardians should be more involved in the industry now days. This may end many of the arrest and death that goes on in the industry. Maybe more of artist would have a more positive look to the children that do idolize them. My question to the parents with children in the industry; how do you feel with the outlook with the young adults are giving in the media today?
            Let’s come together and work on the outlooks that the young celebrities are putting in the media that are having affects on the people who are watching them in the news and reading them in magazines. We as a community can come together and change the affects of celebrities dealing with issues and are coming out in the media. Let’s get together and… LET’S CONVERSE!!!


Evo said...

souljah as much of a joke as he is, I do agree that something should be done about these cats. Is the issue their parents? I'm sure much falls to the parents, in likely spoiling him to help out his career, or advocating the "thug" lifestyle for him. But in reality it all falls to him. Dig, how many rappers need to get caught up over lack of a firearm license. I mean is it really that hard? And that is only for a CONCEALED weapon. Now he may have the argument that he or his boys "need" to be holdin, lest they fall victim to someone trying to test them. However, if he simply stuck to his bubble-gum rap style he'd be fine. His issue came from trying to be something he isn't. The streets will always have a way of callin you out. Be it the new-age fake "gangstas" in their skinny jeans and tight halter top-like polos , trying to rep something their not and can never be and get called by one of them real cats they rap about, or a simple mistake of not having a permit and riding with a broken tail light. I can go on and on, but I'm gettin sleepy lol