Here we will discuss how the entertainment industry influence young adults. Are these changes a good thing or is it negative.


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Media and the Children

Today we associate ourselves on how to live, dress, and act through the media.

 “We buy what we are told to be good, after seeing thousands of advertisings we make our buying decisions based on what we was on TV, newspapers or magazines to be a product we can trust and also based on what everyone else that we know is buying and their decision are also base on the media” (Rayuso, 2012).

I believe parents should supervise what their children watch on television. “Kids and teens 8 to 18 years spend nearly 4 hours a day in front of a TV screen and almost 2 additional hours on the computer (outside of schoolwork) and playing video games” (KidsHealth,2012). These influences teach children how to live their daily lives and how to react on certain situations as they view them on television. So how can we make these changes on how to control how our children live a positive life? As you know what the name of my blog…. LETS CONVERSE!!!!
Ladies are viewed in the media as skinny with the perfect shape. There are many females believe that America is skinny and in shape, not realizing that we as America comes in different shapes, size, and color. Do you believe if we allow children to watch this kind of situation on television, that we as parents show also teach that this is not America? Do you believe this help lessen the influence of our children?
            Do you believe as a sibling or parent that the media and shows they watch on television influence children? Do you believe that these situations only affect certain children and not all? How can you decide whom it affects and whom it doesn’t?
LETS CONVERSE and tell me what is on your mind!!!