Here we will discuss how the entertainment industry influence young adults. Are these changes a good thing or is it negative.


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Young Celebs being Bullied

As adolescents and young adults enter or is already in the entertainment industry they deal with many emotions, peer pressure, personal issues etc. I am a huge Harry Potter fan, and reading this article was a must to discuss in my blog. Emma Watson is one aspiring actress who became famous through her famous role as Hermione Granger from Harry Potter. This is one actress who has faced adversities but overcame those issues. Emma Watson “enrolled at Brown University in Rhode Island in 2009, turned her focus to her degree in a desperate attempt to escape the spotlight and the Potter franchise”(teenhollywood, 2011). Many children just want to be “normal” when living their daily lives. They are sometimes faced with pressure from those who isn’t in the industry. Some celebrities deal with jealousy, which may be able to lead to bullying.